The pink helicopters

“That which you are seeking, is also seeking you.”

Those of you who know me well are already really familiar with my mother, Hester’s pink helicopter story, but I just love telling it, and am sure I will keep telling it forever. She certainly had a graphic unforgettable way of expressing herself. Sometimes I find it strange that I don’t have her voice on tape, but then I hear it in my head, and that is a blessing to me.

Sometimes when I was grumpy or complaining that I felt stuck, or that my life was on the road to nowhere, she would give me this quizzical look and say, “My darling blom, you are too stupid and blind to see that all those blessings you want are circling your head like luminous  pink helicopters waiting to land. But if you do not switch on the landing lights of your heart, how will they know where to land?”

I often imagine my heart as a helipad now, and have to remind myself on a regular basis to switch on the landing lights. I remind myself that I live in a universe of Light and connection and abundance, think again about the myriad possibilities and open my ears to the loud whirring of the blessings all around my head!

Another one of the favourite stories that she liked to tell people who used to come complaining to her, was about the man who got caught in a dreadful flood. I certainly know how that feels.  He climbed onto the roof of his house and being a person of faith, started praying fervently for a miracle.

Just a few minutes later a man came swimming by holding onto a large plank of wood. He asked our hero to join him as the plank was quite big enough for both of them. He refused, as he was convinced the Universe would provide. Not long after, a couple of people came by in a small boat, “There’s plenty of room, jump in with us”, they invited. Our man was still convinced that the Lord would send salvation.

The water was rising rapidly and a helicopter came by. It hovered above him and let down a rope. Once again he refused. He was waiting for the Creator’s miracle.

Well, at this point the Creator was getting rather impatient with his servant and decided to send an angel. The angel appeared before our hero in all his glory and offered his wing. STILL the man refused.

Needless to say, the man drowned and arrived at the Pearly Gates, only to be reminded that rescuers had been sent in every way shape and form!

Somehow every time I remind myself of that story, it has an impact on me.  Sometimes help and support  and possibilities arrive in all sort of unexpected shapes and guises. Firstly, as a born giver, it is sometimes difficult for me to receive, and certainly difficult to receive from a source that is unknown, a stranger. Sometimes I am just too engrossed in my own  limited thinking patterns to see the door open in front of me.

I am typically the type to wait for the lighting to strike, the bush to burn and the unicorns to appear out of the purple smoke with very clear instructions. It is always part of my prayer and meditation that the answers should be loud and clear as I am still a bit deaf to the divine signs when they appear.

Today, my wish for all of us, is that we wake up and switch on the landing lights of the helipads of our hearts and receive the blessings that are our birthright.


PS. The pink helicopter picture is courtesy of Victoria’s Secret, Puerto Rico.

2 thoughts on “The pink helicopters

  1. Dear Stefani,

    I really love your mum Herster’s stories and how she pictures feelings. Thank you so much for sharing them!

    Lots of love,

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